Commitment to the SDGs
Striving for a sustainable society, New Art Holdings particularly focuses on the well-being of individual people. We aim to offer innovative solutions to improve quality of life while endeavoring to minimize any negative impacts our business activities may have on the environment and society.

Four key issues we address
The environment
Energy conservation
We are carrying out environmental policies to reduce CO2 emissions, such as the principle of adopting LED lighting.
Promoting diversity in the workplace
Our society is embracing ever-diversifying ways of living, thinking and working. We build employment systems in consideration of major life stage events and promote dynamic personnel placement, regardless of gender, age, nationality and other attributes, aiming to create a workplace where diversely talented people with new values can interact to generate significant results.
Regional revitalization
Revitalizing regional functions for the comprehensive development of local economies
We aim to contribute to the revitalization of regional communities. As part of efforts to this end, we provide support to recovery efforts in disaster-stricken areas. In the past, to help areas affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Kumamoto earthquakes, we sent employees to perform volunteer work and offered relief goods.
Overseas development
Sponsorship for jewelry designers targeting a large market
We focus on unearthing jewelry design talent from around the world and developing professional creators in the field in order to offer brilliant products to the market.
Sustainability Initiatives
Employee welfare
- Women’s empowerment
- At NEW ART HOLDINGS, around 70% of managerial positions are held by women. While these female managers are largely assigned to individual outlets to underpin our core retail business, women also assume half of the managerial positions and their associated responsibilities at our head office. In 2015, we appointed two new female directors based on a resolution passed at the shareholders’ meeting. We will continue to create a workplace where women can fulfill their potential.
- Childcare leave
(parenting support system) - We make efforts to create a working environment that encourages more female employees to come back to work after taking maternity leave (eight percent of the entire female workforce are on maternity leave as of MM 2023 ) and continue to work while fulfilling their parenting responsibilities. In order to help them maintain a viable work-life balance, we offer various programs, such as shorter hours and reduced attendance (two-day workweek), with an associated career shift.
- Health management
- We offer employee health management programs, with a particular focus on women, who make up the majority of our workforce. Major systems are set up to include a range of gynecological exams in periodic employee health checkups as well as to select female physicians as medical advisors and provide a monthly opportunity to receive professional advice during work hours.
Workplace diversity
- Employment of people with disabilities
- As of MM 2023, the Company employees three people with disabilities.
- Employment of older workers
- New Art Holdings was one of the first companies to extend the mandatory retirement age to 65. We welcome applications from willing workers who are even older.
- Employment of non-Japanese nationals
- As of MM 2023, the Company employees four non-Japanese nationals. Going forward, we will increase non-Japanese personnel in line with our global expansion strategies.
- Discrimination-free workplace
- The Company operates employment, compensation and evaluation systems in a fair manner, excluding any consideration of gender, age, nationality or other factors. We have set standards based essentially on individual abilities, performance and motivation. We respect the individuality of each person, and are constantly striving to make our workplaces truly fair and rewarding.
Cultural activities
- Sponsorship for jewelry designers
- We host a jewelry design contest with the aim of discovering and developing superior talents in this field. A recent event was held to call for entries from around the world to the World Jewelry Design Award. Through this program, we seek to unearth hidden talent, offer prize money to support the creative activities of those we discover and commercialize award-winning works to sell on the market.
- Karuizawa New Art Museum
- The Company is committed to the operation of the Karuizawa New Art Museum, known for its major exhibitions of contemporary Japanese art. We provide assistance with publicity activities and, following a business model that is very unique in Japan, we also run a jewelry shop within the museum.
- In March 2015, we opened NEW ART LAB on the first floor of the head office building. The intention was to embody the concept of a studio lab for art and jewelry while providing opportunities for venturesome creators of art and jewelry to publicly present their works of striking originality and uniqueness resulting from unconventional endeavors. Through this project, we support aspiring artists in taking up new challenges.
- Supporting extensive art and cultural activities
- In addition to fine arts, such as painting and sculpture, we are planning to expand our cultural sponsorship activities to the field of music and composite art, particularly as a producer and supporter. In 2016, we co-hosted the Trumpet Duo New Art Summer Concert in August.